So you’ve said yes and it’s time to start planning your wedding. One of the best ways to celebrate this time is with engagement photos. Not only do they give you something to look back on years from now to remember this moment, but you can also use them to help announce your wedding! 

As an engagement photographer, one of the most common questions that I get is how to prepare for engagement photos. For most people this is probably the first time you are ever getting professional photos so how do you get ready for it? 

But, that shouldn’t stop you from having an incredible engagement session. So, here are my top tips for how to prepare for engagement photos!  

How to Prepare for Engagement Photos 

Choose the Aesthetic You are Going for

Choosing the aesthetic you are going for with your engagement photos (and maybe even your wedding photos) is a great place to start because it can help you decide on the other aspects of your session that we will talk about a little later. 

When it comes to this, there really is no right or wrong answer. It is going to depend on you, your partner, your personality, and what you are looking for when it comes to photos. 

A great place to start can be Pinterest or Instagram. You can see so many different aesthetics and vibes all in one spot and it can help you narrow down what you do and don’t want for your photos.

Pick a Location 

Picking your location is probably one of the more fun parts of prepping for an engagement session. There is no limit to the number of places that you can choose from and you may even be able to go to a couple of spots throughout your session. 

Now, where you are getting your photos done can definitely depend somewhat on the vibe that you are going for. If you want something that is urban and modern, you can look for something more like a city landscape. 

If you want something a bit more personal and unique, maybe you take them in your own home or in some of your favorite spots around your city. 

If you are having trouble finding a starting point for where to look, here are a few things that you can think about to help come up with some ideas for where to take your engagement photos. 

  1. Think about anywhere meaningful to you and your partner – This can be things like your own home, your local date night spot, your favorite coffee shop, or even where you popped the questions. Having a spot that is meaningful to you and your partner will make the photos that much more special. 
  2. Choose a place you and your partner have always wanted to go – If there is somewhere that you and your partner have been wanting to check out but haven’t had the chance yet, this can be a fun and exciting way to do just that. 
  3. Don’t forget about areas outside your own city – You don’t just have to stay in your local area. Sarah Jane and Sam are from Australia but came back to NYC to take their photos after getting engaged here. Not only was it an adventure but it also was something meaningful to them and the photos were so much fun to take. 

Find Outfits that are Coordinating

Your outfits are absolutely an important part of planning for your engagement session. You want to find outfits that are coordinating and also look good in the environment that you are in. 

This means wearing complimentary colors so that you look amazing standing next to each other, but you can also feel like you are able to show off your own personality and style in your clothes. 

You also want to think about the environment that you are in. For example, wearing white in snow is going to make you blend in. Small patterns on your clothes can feel too busy or clash with the backgrounds. 

Finally, make sure you and your partner match when it comes to how dressed up you are getting. If one of you is in more casual clothes and the other goes super formal, the photos are going to look a bit awkward and feel a bit off. So, make sure you talk to each other and decide how dressed up or how casual you want to go. 

Check the Weather Beforehand 

This may seem a bit boring, but if you are having an outdoor session, you definitely want to make sure you are checking the weather beforehand. There is nothing worse than being unprepared for what Mother Nature throws at you during your photoshoot. 

If it is a bit warmer, you may want to think about bringing extra water so you don’t get too overheated. It is especially important to check if it is going to rain during your session. 

Rain doesn’t mean your entire session is going to be ruined. In fact, having a bit of rain and cozying up under an umbrella can be really romantic. But, you just want to make sure you are prepared for it so you can take everything as it comes. 

Bring Extra Layers in Cooler Months 

Speaking of weather, it is a great idea to bring extra layers to your session in the cooler months. Finding a jacket, sweater, or even scarf that matches the vibe of your outfit that you can use just in case will help make you so much more comfortable throughout the photoshoot. 

These don’t have to be anything huge or elaborate. Just something that is going to keep you warm in case the temperature drops a bit or it is a bit colder than you thought it would be. 

It can be easy to underestimate the weather especially when you are just standing in a few spots and not constantly moving around! 

Find a Photographer that Matches Your Vibe and Style 

This is probably one of the most important things when it comes to how to prepare for engagement photos – and wedding photos. Finding a photographer that matches your vibe and has the style that you are looking for is so important. 

Most photographers are going to have a specific style that they photograph and edit in. So, be sure you are taking time to look through different styles, different editing styles, and even different approaches to photography. 

Now, I am throwing weddings into the mix here because a lot of the time, your engagement photographer and your wedding photographer are going to be the same. So, when you are thinking about and searching for your photographer, make sure you are also thinking about what you want in wedding photos as well as engagement ones! 

Have Fun with It! 

Finally, be sure to just have fun with it. At the end of the day, these photos are for you and your partner and are meant to celebrate the journey that you two are beginning together. So do what you want, show off your relationship and your fun loving side, and enjoy this time together. 

If you’re not sure what you want to do for your session or are a bit nervous about feeling awkward in front of the camera, you can also plan to do something you love during your session. 

Maybe you two always go to the same coffee shop, bar, or ice cream shop. Plan on going there during your session and grabbing a drink or getting a snack and just enjoying it together. This will not only make the photos more meaningful, but it will also make you a bit more comfortable. 

Final Thoughts on Prepping for Engagement Photos 

Hopefully, these tips help you as you figure out how to prepare for engagement photos. This is such an exciting time for you and your partner and engagement photos are the perfect way to capture this moment. 

If you are still working your way through this list and are looking for that perfect photographer to take your engagement photos, I’d love to chat. You can click here to learn more about my photography services or you can head over here to get in touch!

Check out these posts next:


A Photographer’s Guide for How to Prepare for Engagement Photos

A couple holding hands and walking along a river showing how to prepare for engagement photos

September 17, 2024

I’m an NYC photographer who is more than a little obsessed with documenting your looking-good-feeling-even-better moments.

I’m Francesca!

